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S5 Instagram Mentions [Min 100k]




Instagram Mentions


Price for 1000

~ 24-72hr completion time Requirements: ~ Your account must be public. Orders who will not follow the requirements will be cancelled. EXAMPLE ORDER: Link: The post you want to add the mentions to Groups: The target audience that you want to target. Custom list - If you wish to use a custom list please add a link to download it Followers - If you wish to target followers of a certain account please mention the username and that you want to target his/her followers. Hashtags - If you wish to target hashtags of a certain account then please mention the hashtag that you want to target the post authors.

Instagram Mentions


Price for 1000

~ 24-72hr completion time Requirements: ~ Your account must be public. Orders who will not follow the requirements will be cancelled. EXAMPLE ORDER: Link: The post you want to add the mentions to Groups: The target audience that you want to target. Custom list - If you wish to use a custom list please add a link to download it Followers - If you wish to target followers of a certain account please mention the username and that you want to target his/her followers. Hashtags - If you wish to target hashtags of a certain account then please mention the hashtag that you want to target the post authors.