198.23 ₹
Price for 1000~ Orders are processed manually. There is a line of orders, when we received paid order it comes to the line. It takes 24-48h to complete your order. Usually even 4-8h. ~ Your account must be public. ~ We can't scrape verified users ~ Provide AT LEAST 3X MORE more targets than you plan to order (we'll remove duplicates) ~ Link: The post you want to add the mentions to ~ Quantity: The amount of people you want to mention under your post ~ Groups: Target source type - Followers/Likers/Hashtags/Targets list (we will scrape target list from them and mention them in your post) ~ Custom list - If you wish to use a custom list please add a link to download it - dropmefiles.com ~ Once you place your order it will go on queue, and it will typically take anywhere between 24-72 business hours for us to execute it. It will depend a lot on the size of the order, the required scraping to fulfill it, and our working load. Please be patient and we'll execute your order as soon as we can!